We always seem to park by the entrance that's near the cows, so those were the first animals we saw.
Then came the Llamas, pigs, horses and goats (my favorite!).
I think I need a goat! They just crack me up everytime I see them. They're so curious and friendly. Next we checked out the Poultry barn and saw some chickens, bunnies & guinnea pigs. Yeah, I don't know why the bunnies & guinnea pigs are in the Poultry barn?
You know the term "doin' the funky chicken"? I think this is the photo that must go along with that phrase.
This Guinnea Pig looks just like ours (Toni), but with a wig on - funny!
After looking at all the animals we were off to the food area - yay!! Isn't that what going to the fair is all about? Mateo got a Deep Fried Snickers Bar. I had never tried one, and it actually tasted pretty good. It became the community treat because I think we all took a bite. I don't think Mateo got very much of it at all. Uncle Phillip also treated us to some Elephant Ears and a Flowering Onion (all of this before we ate lunch).
We spotted an area where they were letting little kids ride sheep. It was so cute. Mateo was going to do it, but they told him he was too tall. His weight was fine, just the height. We tried to get Jaxon to do it, but bribes wouldn't even work! He told me he'll do it next year (we'll see!).
Next we spotted the Mechanical Bull and to my surprise Mateo said he would try it.
It was fun to watch him. He did great! Mateo's got great balance and he's got this little "six-pack" on him, so I think he's got a pretty strong core. Hopefully the little video I took of him with my digital camera will work on here.
After the Urban Cowboy episode we all found a table (luckily) and got some lunch. Most of us ended up having Smoked Turkey Legs and Corn on the Cob. Rose thought it was a fun opportunity to get an unflattering photo of me eating right off the leg and so we thought we'd do a before and after shot. And no, I didn't eat the entire thing by myself, although I could have. It was very tasty!!
We're all full now, so let's go ride some rides! This year I got Mateo & Jaxon to ride a couple rides they've never tried. I rode the Scrambler with them which was so fun. I haven't ridden that for years! Rose took some photos, but I don't have a copy from her yet. Then they went on the bumper cars with Chico. They'd never done that before either.
They rode a couple little kiddie roller coasters too!
The Gallegos family resting while the boys went on their second roller coaster ride.
I also talked the boys into going on the swing ride, where we're all in individual swings and you fly around pretty high in the air (actually it's in the photo above, behind the roller coaster). They were nervous at first, but ended up loving it! I just got a new photo from Rose, so I'm adding that one. I think she also has some of us as we're flying thru the air, but you get the idea.
All the ride tickets were used up, so it was time to leave the fair. We stopped in Independence on the way home for a BBQ at Hector & Michelle's house (Uncle Phillip's step-son and his wife). The food was great, just like it was on the 4th of July. We left there around 8pm and headed home to drop off our "taxi" passengers. The boys were wiped out after all the action. Can't wait for next year's fair!!
1 comment:
It looks like you guys had a really fun day! I have never been to the state fair! Maybe next year. :)
I also love fair food (I have been to the Washington County Fair--woo hoo!)......but it is so expensive. I have always wanted to try a deep fried Twinkie, but for some reason haven't. I do love a good elephant ear.
Great pictures.
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