Well, another year has passed. We're celebrating 12 years of wedded bliss today. I posted photos from our wedding last year and I haven't scanned any different ones in since, so I won't re post the same ones again (with the exception of the one above - gotta have one photo). If you want to see last year's post you can go here. I should try to figure out how get part of our wedding video on here. That would be fun. I still haven't got any takers on watching my wedding video with me, so maybe I'll do that solo tomorrow. I like to reminisce.
We didn't do to much to celebrate again this year (we need to change that tradition). I was busy at a Vendor Fair in Hillsboro today, so Chico took the boys to a near by town and went to a car show. After that Granny took the kids overnight so we could go out. We ended up going to Outback. We had a coupon for a free Bloomin' Onion - Yum! After that we stopped by New Seasons and picked up some desert to go. I picked out a Chocolate Rum Mousse and Chico got a piece of Tiramisu. Chico also bought me a silly little piggy key chain while we were there because we have that silly pet name for each other "piggy" that's been with us for almost the entire 20 years we've been together.
Well, I'm off to try my Mousse. I'm sure that's a very good choice for an 11pm snack. :)
Hi! I just surfed over to your blog from another CTMH site - and wanted to wish you a Happy Anniversary! I'll bookmark your page and be back often!
Happy 20th ;)
Sounds like you had more fun on your anniversary than I did! I agree the tradition of not doing much needs to change at our house too :)
Hope the mousse was yummy!
Happy Anniversary. I Love the picture.
I'm glad you guys had a great anniversary!
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