The next morning Chico and the boys headed to the coast to go ride their motorcycles at Shawna, Justin & Drue's house. Justin made a track for the "kids". Yeah, it sounds like he really made it more for the older boys (meaning himself, his brother and Chico). Sounds like they had a great time. Hopefully I'll get some photos from them to share.
I just ran around on Saturday and did a little shopping with my b-day money. I went to Lowes to get a little table lamp for my craft room, but now it's been discontinued, so I'll have to change my plan. So I went and bought some goodies at Craft Warehouse instead. They go in my craft room, right?
Part of my reason for not going with Chico and the boys this weekend was so that I could work on cleaning up the house to get ready for our friends that will be visiting in August. Well, let's just say that didn't happen. I got sucked into a new reality tv program in the afternoon and then watched Mama Mia with Doreen in the evening. It's kind of a silly movie, but I liked it. I love ABBA music.
Yesterday, once Chico and the boys got back, we headed to Rose's for my b-day dinner. Rose was in Eastern Oregon for a class reunion on my birthday, so she wanted to make me dinner. I chose tacos. On the way there we stopped at Costco to pick up a cake. Surprisingly, Chico had pre-ordered one. Rose took some photos of it last night...
Isn't that funny, Chico got me a Princess cake, lol.
Had I known I was going to be in some photos, I probably would have dressed a little better. Oh well.
Blowing out the candles. Luckily she didn't use all 39 candles, we might have needed a fire extinguisher!
Me with the cuties. Drue came back with Chico and the boys and stayed over at Rose's last night. She's so cute! I wish we could see them more often.
And here's the rest of the party, minus Rose who's behind the camera. Chico's Uncle Philip and Uncle LeRoy joined us.
Thank you Rose & Chico for my great dinner & cake! That was fun!
1 comment:
I'm glad you had a great birthday!
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