Of course there was more and more snow. It didn't seem to end and I really liked it. I would have liked it better if I'd been able to stay home from work, but oh well, gotta pay the bills!
As each day brought more snow, we became obsessed with how much snow we were getting and both Chico and I kept taking pictures. Sorry if these are boring, but we just don't remember having this much snow in a long time.
Chico shoveling snow off the back deck. I needed a model to give some perspective on how deep the snow was. Look how excited Chico is to be my model.
Here the boys are getting ready to take me to work. We were down to using the Excursion for all of our driving because my car was burried (behind Chico's burried work van). So, I had to be chaufered to work each day, so Chico and the boys could run around.
This was an updated picture of our front yard.
Did you notice my neighbor's VW Bug in the background?
Can you see my car behind Chico's van?
12/24/08 - Christmas Eve Day!!
It's still snowing...
Aren't these icicles cool? A little dangerous near our front door, but cool nonetheless.
Chico decided he'd better get some of the snow off of his car. I was inside in the nice warm house taking pictures thru the window. Snow's pretty deep!
Jaxon & Mateo decided to go out and try making a snowman. They did a pretty good job for their first time.
OK, I'm sorry. Enough of the snow already!! Let's get on with Christmas day... Yes those are wooden trees in the background. We didn't ever make it out to cut a tree this year, so Chico dug out our old wooden tree that he made years ago. I didn't even get all of my Christmas decorations out this year, just the stockings.
The little trees were made by Chico and the boys the weekend that I was doing the holiday bazaar. Aren't they cute? Mateo actually cut the trees out with a jig saw! I told them they should make some more for our "Crafty Ladies" sale next fall.
Some of this year's hits...
I didn't do a good job of taking photos of anyone else Christmas morning. Granny & Uncle Lee came over to watch the boys open thier presents and Granny make a nice breakfast for us.
It snowed some more in the morning, but by the time we were ready to go to Nona & Papa's, it was beautiful outside.
Nona made a great ham lunch. We did Christmas after that. The boys got stockings there, too. They also got some nice presents from Nona & Papa, but my camera battery was dead, so I didn't get pictures of that part. At least we got a couple photos of when we first arrived.
After a good lunch, opening presents and playing the Wii for a bit, we were getting tired, so we headed home. Soon after we got home our electricity went out. It wasn't out very long, but the boys found their "head-lights" that they had just gotten in their stockings from Nona & Papa. They wore them the rest of the eveing "just in case".
Well, I think this post is LONG enough!!! I'd better run. Come back soon!
We were obcessed with the amount of snow too ;)
It made me crazy, you already know that ;) Sooo glad it is melting.
It looks like and sounds like you guys had a nice Christmas, your boys are soooooo stinking cute! I love when they are still young and enjoy everything, I'm two and two, two really get excited about everything and two could have slept all day :)
Hey thanks for the wonderful comment on my blog! I see you have a bunch of snow too! Fun, fun fun!
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